November 1997
Transistor Network is published monthly in paper format by Marty & Sue Bunis, and electronically by George Kaczowka. The office address is 32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed), fax (# removed), e-mail (email removed) Business hours are 9 am to 8 pm EST. Do not hesitate to contact us-we welcome your comments and suggestions.
In this issue:
International A9101
This attractive reverse plastic set is International model A9101. The example shown above has a beautiful red and white plastic case with a rear fold out kickstand. The upper front reverse plastic dial panel has a white background with gold lettering. The dial window itself is very small and is located off-center and slightly to the left in the horizontal panel between the words "International" and "9 Transistor." The large metal perforated and textured grill area is gold in color and is surrounded by a gold-tone bezel. The back cover is louvered and marked "Made in Japan."
Please remember your ads must be received by noon EST on the 10th of the month deadline. Ads may be sent by mail (Transistor Network, 32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221), fax (# removed) or e-mail ((email removed)). All ads are free. Please type or print clearly...we cannot be responsible for illegible material. All ads must be transistor related. Tube sets may be included only as part of a transistor related trade. No blind ads will be printed...all ads MUST contain a name and address. We reserve the right to edit or refuse ads which do not meet the above guidelines. See the Subscription & Advertising Information section for more details. To give your ads maximum exposure, each issue of the Transistor Network will be placed on the World Wide Web on the first of the month after the office copy is received by mail. Even if you don't have a computer, your classified ads will be available on the Internet each month for the world to see!
WANTED: Prescaler IC, U664B. Arvin
61R13 in red and green. Sony TR-63 in red, TR-86 in red, TR-610 and TR-510.
Global GR-900, GR-711. Zephyr AR-600. Any German transistor radios or 4 tube
sets or hybrids. Toy crystal radios. Also looking for brochures, flyers, folders
and any advertising on early transistor radios. Early German transistor type
recorders. And I'm looking for the early transistors as components, especially
point-contact transistors. Have German swaps on all items. Rudi Herzog, P.O.
Box 140 108, 30959 Hemmingen, Germany. Phone: (# removed). Fax: (# removed).
Please limit your ads to transistor radios and
related transistor items. Ads including tube sets will be edited. Thanks.
FOR SALE/TRADE: Emerson Transtimer II, excellent, $90. Emerson 888
Explorer, green, excellent, $120. Emerson 888 Pioneer, gray, good, $50. Aladdin
AD-65, bottom chip, back hairline, very good, $60. Sony TR-730, with matching
"Randy the Transistor" book, excellent, $85. Trade all for a Zenith
R-7000. Phil MacArthur, 701 Spanish Main Drive #71, Summerland Key, FL 33042.
(# removed).
WANTED: Early Sony transistor radios 1955-1963. I'm also interested in
advertisements, leaflets, and service manuals, original or copy. Henry Bohlman,
Birkenstieg 21, 22359 Hamburg, Germany. Phone (# removed), fax
(# removed).
FOR SALE: Four very nice transistor radios as a group for one price.
Candle PTR-100, very nice with case. Channel Master 5 transistor, red with gold
reverse paint top, with case, one hairline. Hitachi 666, red/gray, chip, with
case. Hitachi TH-627R, very nice. All radios work. $65. Bob Furtado, 23 Garden
Road, Alameda, CA 94502. (# removed).
MESSAGE: We continue to add more radios to our web site. There are now
even a few hybrid peanut tube and transistor radios. Go to
and select Radio-O-Rama. Mike Stute, 2140 Sequoyah Way, Carrollton, TX 75006.
Phone (# removed).
WANTED: Juliette transistor radios, all years and models, Japan or Hong
Kong. Pocket size. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
Phone (# removed).
FOR SALE: Zenith Royal 500 Owl Eyes radio book. One of the highly collected
early transistor radios. This book covers every model from the prized 1955 handwired
model, 500B, 500RD, 500D, 500E, and the 500E-1. There are 26 pictures and several
great identification charts. $10 ppd. E-mail me for details. Eldon A. Horton,
8187 LaHabra Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46236. Phone (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Micronta Dynamic Transistor Checker, catalog number 22-024,
in good condition with original box and instruction. $12, plus shipping. Thomas
Burnside, 4838 S. Westhaven Drive, Jackson, MS 39209-4711. (# removed)
WANTED: Examples of early transistors, the devices, such as Western Electric,
Raytheon, etc., interested in just about everything. Also early diodes and transistor
related boos, catalogs, and manuals. Can purchase but prefer to trade from my
collection of transistor radios, parts, and electronic literature. Please e-mail
me and I will send a list. Bob McGarrah, 6616 Koerner Road, Edwards, IL 61528.
Phone (# removed) after 4 PM. E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED: Video capsule sphere- or triangular-shaped radios/TVs made by
JVC, Weltron, and others. I am interested in all 1970s & 1980s modern design
radios and small TVs. Also wanted first walk-man TVs by Sony, plus watch-size
TV by Seiko...must be complete and working. Marty Bunis, 32 West Main Street,
Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed) before 8:00 PM Eastern time. Fax
(# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: NOVELTIES: Batman, box, NM, $60. Statue of Liberty, NM, $40.
Racer #2, B22, MIB, $18. Skoal, snuff can radio, MOC, $15. All include shipping.
George Stevens, 313 N.E. 151 Street, Seattle, WA 98155-6943. (# removed).
E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Novelty Radios. Visit my website that you can click to view
the radios listed. I applaud Marty and Sue Bunis for the hard work they have
done for the radio collecting world. Send e-mail for questions or info to: (email removed)
Web address:
Gary Arnold, 615 Oak St., Marion, NC 28752. (# removed).
WANTED: Novelty sets wanted: John Lennon, Breed 201. Faultless, Breed
280. Texaco, Breed 281. Rustoleum, Breed 304. Sparkplug, Breed 313. Tape Measure,
Breed 316. Hershey's, Breed 327. Malibu, Breed 330. Piper Brut, Breed 332. Yago,
Breed 334. Hot Dog, Breed 380. Ice Cream, Breed 381. Cone, Breed 382. Guitar,
Breed 400. Jukebox, Breed 412. Slot machine, Breed 435. Clock, Breed 472. Screw,
Breed 599. Spam, Breed & Bunis 77. Hershey's, Breed & Bunis 85. Kool
Aid, Breed & Bunis 90. Seltzer, Breed & Bunis 149. Faberge, Breed &
Bunis 168. Padlock, Breed & Bunis 183. Sencor, Breed & Bunis 203. Guitar,
Breed & Bunis 435. Sports Shoe, Breed & Bunis 542. I have many trades
some not seen in the U.S.A. Also some rare novelties from Europe. Please send
for list. Syd Sheerin, 15 Railway Terrace, Low Moor, Bradford, BD12 0LT, Yorkshire,
FOR SALE: New guide features over 70 toy crystal radios beautifully photographed
in full color. Rockets, tiny table models, pocket models, and novelties from
1929 to 1966. With model numbers, notes, and prices. $19.95 includes postage.
Eric Wrobbel, Dept. T, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Phone
(# removed).
FOR SALE: Transistor Books: Collectors Guide To Transistor Radios,
Second Edition, $16.95 (Canada add $3 shipping, US add $2 shipping).
Collectors Guide to Novelty Radios, $18.95 (Canada add $4 shipping, US add
$3 shipping) Collecting Transistor Novelty Radios, 1994 Price Update,
$4.95. Available from: Marty Bunis, 32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221.
Phone (# removed), before 8 PM EST. Fax (# removed), anytime. E-mail:
(email removed)
WANTED: Excellent condition original owners manuals for the following
portable sets: 1959 RCA All Transistor Globe-Trotter models 1T5J and 1T5L. 1961
Admiral Super 7 Y2102. Mike Hanke, 1036 So. 15th Avenue, Wausau, WI 54401. Write
don't phone.
WANTED: Bright red and silver grill Emerson 747. Global subminiature
tube pocket radio. Koyo Parrot submini-tube radio. Crown TR-555, TR-666, TR-777,
TR-810, TR-911, TR-999. Zephyr AR-630, ZR-930. Harpers GK-631, GK-900. Kobe
Kogyo KY-41. Realtone TR-666, TR-701, TR-870. RCA Victor P331. Standard SR-F23.
Any Sony marked Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo, LTD. Philco T-66, T-77, MIB only. Continental
160, TR-751, many others. Highest prices paid, particularly for those in the
original box. Also looking for early Sony Watchman and other pocket TVs. Really
unusual and/or stylish early 1970's radios also desired. David Mednick, 25 Jefferson
Street #7B, Hackensack, NJ 07601-5038. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: No cracks or chips unless noted: Sony TR-650, excellent, $75.
Wilco ST-7, neat boomerang reverse paint, chip, $50. Toshiba 8TM294B, hairline,
reverse painted, $50. Pearltone T888, chip, reverse painted, $35. Philco T61,
tiny shirtpocket, very good, with case, early, $25. Bradford T1626, white, grill
banged up, $35. Bulova 680, very very good, $45. Silvertone small, Japan set,
$30. Windsor micro, $25. Viscount, turquoise, new in box, $35. Summit S109,
very very good, $25. Sony TR817, very very good, $50. Arvin 61R13, with case,
very very good, $30. Bulova 620 Comet, fair, no handle, $30. Toshiba 6TP303
with speaker box, reverse painted, $225. Old Parr novelty, $35. Other novelties
call or e-mail for list. Still have some Made In Japan books by Roger Handy.
Brand new copies $35 each or clearance price 2 for $50. Great Christmas item.
See more transistor radios for sale on my website at
WANTED: Trancel TR60 or TR80, black cabinet back and reverse paint both
unbroken. Regency TR1, TR1G, TR4. Continental TR632, the vertical one in the
Lane book with the stars. Seminole 801. Unbroken Crestline 6T330. Will trade
transistor radios for a 486 PC or for catalins. Donald Maurer, 29 South 4th
Street, Lebanon, PA 17042. Phone (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
SERVICES: Crack repair, worn or missing lettering restored exactly like
original. Reproduction trim parts for transistor radios including badges, nameplates,
flat dials. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Phone
(# removed).
WANTED: General Electric P766A transistor radio mint in original packing/leather
zipcase with accessories. David Mednick, 25 Jefferson Street #7B, Hackensack,
NJ 07601-5038. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
SERVICE: Transistor Radio Repair. All major brands. Single band, BC.
$30 each plus shipping. All work guaranteed. Steve Short, 1590 Union Street,
Schenectady, NY 12309. Phone (# removed).
MAIL BID SALE: Nice condition Raytheon T-100-4. Ivory/red, no chips or
cracks. Best offer by November 30 takes it. Ron Vore, 7394 S. 150 E., Poneto,
IN 46781. (# removed).
WANTED: NEC NT-61, NEC NT-620, Global GR900, Motorola 7X23E, Sony TR-86,
Magnavox AM23, and a Topnotch as seen in Eric Wrobbel's video. Bruce Phillips,
127 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885. Phone (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Attention serious collectors and investors. Novelty radio collection
for sale. Over 240 radios such as Breed book plate #28 Jaguar. Plate #47 Globe.
Plate #68 Batman. Plate #69 Bozo the Clown. Plate #88 Garfield. Plate #103 Scooby
Doo. Plate #106 Mickey in car. Plate #127 Popeye. Plate #151 Snoopy on Doghouse.
Plate #159 Spiderman. Plate #162 Superman. Plate #163 Superman. Plate #193 Doll.
Plate #201 John Lennon. Plate #233 John Wayne. Plate #243 Starroid IM1. Plate
#244 Starroid IR12. Plate #323 Ballantine's. Plate #383 Crackerjack. Plate #391
Coke machine. Plate #393 Coke machine. Plate #400 Guitar. Plate #410 Harp. Plate
#427 Piano. Plate #508 Knight on Horse. Plate #509 Standing Knight. Bunis and
Breed book: Plate #105 Billy Beer. Plate #302 Desk set. Plate #475 Violin. Plate
#486 Starroid IR4U. Plate #487 R2D2. Plate #558 1967 Thunderbird. Radios for
sale not in book include rocket, Barbie, Spiderman earphones, Love store figures,
Spiderman on building, plus 22 more. Call or write for complete list and prices.
Fred Williams, 4610 London Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46254-2130. Day (# removed),
evening (# removed).
FOR SALE: Transistor radio photo guides. Each guide packed with photos
of all known collectible models of each brand. With model numbers and notes.
GLOBAL/ZEPHYR guide shows all 32 of these great radios. STANDARD guide shows
all 50 of the Standards including all 13 Micronic Rubys. REALTONE guide has
59 models, TOSHIBA has 61, SONY guide has 94. Guides include rare models not
shown anywhere else. REGENCY booklet tells all about the first transistor radio
and related models TR-1, TR-1G, TR-4, Bulova 250, Mitchell, Mantola, and discusses
colors, variation, date codes, rarities, and trivia. Lots of info and pictures.
Regency booklet is $10, all others are $7 each. Prices include postage. Eric
Wrobbel, Dept. T, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Phone
(# removed).
WANTED: Sony Watchman television of any type. I am also looking for early
Sony transistor radios, especially made before 1960. Minoru Muraoka, 2-18-30-503,
Kikuna, Kohoku-ku, Yokoama, Kanagawa 222 Japan. Fax: (# removed). E-mail:
(email removed)
SERVICES: Keep this ad handy for future use! I can repair your favorite
AM transistor radio to play like it did when it was new. Twenty seven years
experience in radio repair. Minimum $20, maximum $35 plus shipping. If unable
to be repaired, radios will be sent back prepaid. Randy Hartge, 6612 North 90th
Street, Omaha, NE 68122. Phone (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Original Sony owner's manuals: Micro TV-720U, TV-960, BP-7/564
battery pack. $1 each ppd. Jim Farago, 4017-42nd Avenue So., MPLS, MN 55406-3528.
(# removed).
WANTED: Toy crystal radios, walkie-talkies, pocket size transistor radios.
Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Phone (# removed).
MESSAGE: Radio-O-Rama thanks Marty and Sue for a great newsletter. Please
visit and check out "Radio-O-Rama." Mike
Stute, 2140 Sequoyah Way, Carrollton, TX 75006.
FOR SALE: Two Mike Todd TR-1s. One is red and is complete with the "Around
The World In Eighty Days" bookcase. The other is a very rare set from this
series owned by Mike Todd himself, mahogany in color with a leather carrying
case embossed "Michael Todd." Taking offers on these two sets, please
call for more details. Jordan Ramin, 45 West 69th Street, #5A, New York, NY
10023. Phone (# removed).
WANTED: I'm doing research on early transistor component history, from
the late 1940's through the mid 50's. Especially interested in contacting former
employees of pioneering transistor component manufacturers such as CBS-Hytron,
Clevite, Germanium Products, Marvelco, National Union, Radio Receptor, Raytheon,
RCA, Transistor Products Inc., Tungsol, Sylvania, and Western Electric. Would
like information on R&D/manufacturing processes, advertising materials,
company history, surplus inventory, etc. Thanks. Jack Ward, 20 Elm Street, Brookline,
MA 02146. Phone (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Panasonic RF-7180, AM/FM 8 track stereo, very good condition,
plays, great sound. Weight 20 lbs., $35 plus shipping. Grundig Yacht Boy 230,
never used, NIB, with manual, short wave guide, etc., make offer. Kenneth Miller,
10027 Calvin Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15235. (# removed)
WANTED DESPERATELY: Sony Earth Orbitor CRF 5100, Sony TFM 8000W, Sony
TFM 1600B, Sony CRF 320, Grundig Satellite 650 Multiband. Khushpal, 611 Plumas
Street, Yuba City, CA 95992. (# removed), 9AM-6PM. Fax (# removed). After
9PM, (# removed) Pacific Time.
FOR SALE: All kinds of novelty radios. Most are in both books and some
are not in books. For more information or lists call. Don or Rocky Larson, 620
Ulstad Avenue, Albert Lea, MN 56007. Phone (# removed).
WANTED: Panasonic TR-001 "The Mica 1" TV. Panasonic TR-425R
"Pandora" 5 inch TV. Panasonic TR-005 "The Orbitel" 5 inch
TV. JVC videocapsule, pyramid TV. Sony Watchman FD-210. Sony FDL-330S. Sony
FDL-320. Casio TV-10. Epson ET-10. Seiko TR02. Panasonic CT-333S, pocket watch
TV. Marty Bunis, 32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed)
before 8 PM EST, fax (# removed) anytime. E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED: Desperately. Any information whatsoever on two European radio
manufacturers: ITT Schaub-Lorenz and Brandt Electronique. If you have information
or know where I can find it, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Bill Wood, 8 Oregon
Place #2, Buffalo, NY 14207-1522. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE/TRADE: Zenith 500H, black and gold, in nice shape, no cracks
or chips, the sound is beautiful, $90. Plus shipping or will trade for a nice
pocket set or novelty transistor. Paul Fulton, 711 Jacquelyn Road, Westwood,
NJ 07675. Phone (# removed).
FOR SALE: See over 100 MORE fabulous transistor radios
up close in this all-new video by Roger Handy and Eric Wrobbel. Terrific early
radios from Toshiba, Crown, Sony, Continental, Kobe Kogyo, and tons more, including
many obscure brands not shown anywhere else. This video is completely different
than Volume 1. A program list is included with brand names and model numbers.
Two hours VHS. olume 1 is still available, too, so specify which volume you
want. $29.95 each, includes postage. Eric Wrobbel, Dept. T, 20802 Exhibit Court,
Woodland Hills, CA 91367. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Rare Arvin 9577, black, Bunis transistor book 2 page 46, super
nice, $150. WANTED: Red Sony TR-63 and TR-86. Braun T3, T4, T31, and
T41. Any coat pocket early German transistor radios. Sony TR-610 and 620 green,
red, pink. Westinghouse H610P, H611P, and H612P, can be cracked or chipped but
must have flawless metal front piece. Zenith Royal 850 w/clock, cord. Westrex
cassette tapes or the portable radio to play them. FOR TRADE: Near mint
Crown 777 w/case. Serious trade offers only. Harald Herp, 6615 Michele Court,
Huntingtown, MD 20639. (# removed)
WANTED: Breed plate 329, Fleischmans Gin. Breed plate 453, Helmet K/C
and San Diego. Breed & Bunis plate 92, Mountain Dew. Breed & Bunis plate
93, Napoleon Cognac. Ron Smith, 145 Carr Street, Lakewood, CO 80226. Phone
(# removed).
FOR TRADE: Very rare Camel Cigarette novelty radio for trade for high
end Japanese or American pocket transistor radios. Sal Volpini, 178 Cecil Street,
Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Sony transistors: TR-609, 72, 810 and TR-6 (minor repairs).
A.R. Nolf, 539 Kastelic Place, Burlington, Ontario, Canada, L7N 3S9. Phone
(# removed).
FOR SALE OR TRADE: The following transistors for your reel to reel recorders
and mics. Alben, Raleigh, coral pink color, Hi-Fi Deluxe Six, excellent condition,
$40. Bulova 270, new in box, with warranty card, alligator skin, gold reverse,
Bulova literature, flawless, trade or best offer. Continental TR-182, white
color, $35. Crestline Six, red and white color, fine condition, with case, $55.
Optex Six, hot red color, excellent, with kickstand, $60 or trade. Pidgeon TR-63,
looks like intercom set, original box, unusual, trade only. Toshiba 6TP314A,
red color, fine condition, trade only. Viscount VIP6, gray and black, brass
face, leather case, $65. Westinghouse H621-P6, cordless, charcoal, $70. BOOKS:
Made in Japan, $12 ea. TOY CRYSTAL RADIOS: Remco Radiocraft Crystal set,
$40. Hearever Rocket, yellow, in box, fine condition, $95. Jon Golden, Box 205,
Waban, MA 02168. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Sony 4-203UW television, 1965, $60. Symphonic
mini TV TPS5050, 1969, shown in color section of Poster book, $50. Global GR-711,
black, new in box, $150. Crestline 6T-220 pocket transistor with speaker box,
"High-Fidelity Sound System," Bunis 2 page 73, lots of under painting
on both radio and speaker box, no cracks or chips, $275. Eric Wrobbel, 20802
Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED: Sony TR-620. Must be working well but can be in basket case condition.
Color unimportant. Also looking for a Pepsi Vending Machine set circa 1964,
9 transistor, has "Say Pepsi Please" on front with bottle cap logo.
Bob Keenan, 12 Davis Terrace, Peabody, MA 01960-1914. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Blabber Mouse, Breed plate 179, $10. Ball & Chain, B515,
have red or blue, $10. Big Bird, BB401, $10. Care Bears, MBC, BB361, $10. Cathedral
replica radio, $15. Computer Mouse, MIB, $10. French Phone, Japan, original,
B488, $30. French phone, replica of Japan model, Hong Kong, in box, $20. Grammy
Phone, replica of original, in box, $20. Huffy Bike radio, $20. 1928 Lincoln,
Hong Kong, B6, $10. Mickey Mouse, MBC, Breed & Bunis plate 383, $10. Mickey
Mouse, China, MBC, BB383, $10. PCFM replica of a computer, NIB, $10. Polaroid
Film Pack, Breed & Bunis plate 191, $10. Rolls Royce, Japan, metal, Breed
plate 5, $20. Smurf, Breed plate 156, $10. Smurf, Breed & Bunis plate 151,
$10. Spirit of 76, Breed plate 231, $30. SSS by Avon, Breed & Bunis plate
151, $10. Tropicana Orange, Breed 71, $10. Audition crank wall phone, $20. Same
kind of radio as shown Breed plate 486, $20. H.B. McMahan, 313 W. Shaw, Tyler,
TX 75701-3029. (# removed), phone/fax. E-mail: (email removed)
WANT/SELL/TRADE: Transistor wire and tape recorders & mics. SASE
or e-mail for list. Jon Golden, Box 205, Waban, MA 02168. (# removed). E-mail:
(email removed)
FOR SALE: Novelty radios for sale in books: IR12 Robot, in box, plate
244, $90. Spirit of 76, in box, plate 231, $50. Phonograph Grammy Phone, plate
419, $35. Little John, plate 497, $20. Coke Vending Machine, plate 390, $50.
Atlas Premium Power Battery, plate 265, $30. Mark Twain Riverboat, plate 41,
$80. Radiobot, plate 238, $25. Budweiser Beer can, with aerial, plate 342, $30.
Jukebox Windsor, plate 411, $50. Mickey & Minnie Music City, plate 121,
$40. Robotic Transformer, plate 250, $95. Sinclair Gas Pump, plate 283B, $40.
Delco Freedom Battery, plate 267, $45. Bert & Ernie as Pals, plate 149,
$20. Statue of Liberty, plate 227, $60. Cup & Saucer, brown, in box, plate
360, $50. Owl Jewel eyes, plate 219, $75. Ajax Soap, plate 148 Breed & Bunis,
$75. Radio Shack Logo, plate 309, $50. Folgers Coffee, plate 359, $75. Heinz
Catsup, plate 328, $75. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, plate 63 Breed & Bunis,
$45. Chess Board, plate 430 Breed & Bunis, $65. Jimmy Carter Peanut, plate
183, $75. Campbells Tomato Soup, plate 355B, $65. Hamburger Helping Hand, plate
284, $50. Gumby, NBC, plate 92, $125. Four Seasons Paint can, plate 184 B&B,
$40. Twix Billboard, plate 79 Breed & Bunis, $75. Welchs Grape Juice, plate
354A, $45. McDonalds French Fries, plate 362, $55. Zany Perfume, plate 322,
$65. Hot Dog, plate 380, $65. R-A-D-I-O Avon, plate 308, $50. Robotic Robot,
plate 250, $75. Radioman Robot, plate 480 B&B, $100. Robot w/wind up clock
AM, plate 283, $50. IM1 Starroid Star Command, plate 243, $100. Not in Books:
Tropicana Orange, $25. Tide, $75. Mickey Mouse with mike, yellow, $60. Classic
Coke can, FM, in box, $30. Go Bots, in box, with earphone, $40. Rock & Write
Pen with earphone, $30. Radio Watch with earphone, $20. Baseball Glove on Base,
NBC, $45. Spice Rack with 12 jars, $45. Power Rangers, with clock AM/FM, $35.
Yogi Bear, $100. Pyramid AM/FM, in box, $70. Van Camps Beanie Weenies, $75.
Hunts Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce, $85. F-1 Race car, AM/FM digital clock, in box,
$100. Prell Shampoo Shower, AM/FM, $40. Skoal Tobacco Rock the Rockies, $20.
Ball Caps: Oilers, Bears, Redskins, AM/FM, $25. Halite Ice Crystals Ice Melt
Weather, $50. Electric Razor with clock, in box, $30. Bubble Gum Bubble Tape,
with earphone, $35. Mini radio key ring, with earphone, $20. Credit Cards: Agfa,
Hydrox Cookies, Chaparal Boats & Yamaha, Post Grapenuts, Kentucky Fried
Chicken, with earphones, $40 each. Paper Towel holder, $40. Batman Medallion,
$15. Two Face Liberty Coin, $15. Darth Vader Head, AM/FM clock, $50. Levis Jeans,
AM/FM, $40. Thermostat Hit Tunes, $30. Fish Shower, AM/FM, $25. Mastercard Headphones,
in box, $15. Heinz Tomato Soup, $85. TV Tube Tunes, AM/FM, in box, $25. 40's
Style AM/FM in box, $35. Eveready Weather, in box, $35. Salt & Pepper with
rack like restroom, $35. These are just a few of our radios. For more information
contact Don or Rocky Larson, 620 Ulstad Avenue, Albert Lea, MN 56007.
(# removed).
FOR SALE: Zenith Royal 500s: Black handwired, ad on back, chips on top,
$55. Black handwired, good condition, some surface marks, $75. Black Long Distance
500D, fair/good, $50. Black #72t40z R-500, tuning knobs have plastic protectors,
$45. Black Long Distance, see through plastic protectors, fair condition, $45.
Black Long Distance, some chips, $40. Black 500E, fair, $45. Maroon 500E, fair,
$40. Maroon 500E 7ZT402, small chips, $45. Maroon Long Distance, fair, $40.
Maroon Long Distance, fair, $40. White Royal 500D, good, $50. White, yellowed,
chips, R500, $35. Tan R500, chips/crack, $45. Golden Triangle clock/radio, fair,
$75. Royal 475 black, $30. Royal 800 black, good, $100. Emerson 888s, all fair/good
condition: Black Pioneer, $45. Gray Pioneer, $45. Turquoise Pioneer, $45. Green
Pioneer, $45. Red Pioneer, $45. Vanguard: Gray, black, white, turquoise, $40
each. White Rambler 888, good, $65. Emerson silver hybrid, good, $145. Emerson
911 all good except noted: Green, fair, $25. 2 corals, $40 each. Gray/green,
$30. Philco, T-1000-124, black, $125. DeWald K-544, leather case, fair, $80.
2 RCA 1T4H, green, good, $20. White RCA 9BT9B, $35. Roland TW4, coral, $30.
Toshiba 7TH-425, black, excellent, $275. Robert Crockett, 212 Marmona Drive,
Menlo Park, CA 94025. Fax (# removed). Phone (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: New book features 67 of the all time greatest
shirt pocket transistor radios NOT made in Japan. Great American designs from
Philco, Superex, Admiral, Bell Products, Regency, Motorola, Silvertone, Zenith,
and lots more. Many shown life size or larger, and all in full color. Seen all
together, the variety and styling of these little American shirt pockets will
surprise you. With model numbers, dates, notes, height measurements, and current
prices. $19.95 includes postage. A really fun book. Eric Wrobbel, Dept. T, 20802
Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. Phone (# removed).
WANTED: JVC RC-838 MKII radio cassette. JVC FR6600. Sony, Panasonic,
Grundig, Phillips, etc. multiband radios. Kushpal Singh, 611 Plumas Street,
Yuba City, CA 95991. (# removed). Fax (# removed) 9AM-6PM or (# removed)
after 8PM Pacific time.
WANTED: Offering $300 for a nice Aiwa model AR-500. David Mednick, 25
Jefferson Street #7B, Hackensack, NJ 07601-5038. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Novelties Breed Book: Globe, plate #47, $65. Globe plate #51,
$30. Sea Witch, plate #57, $50. Batman, plate #68, $85. Cabbage Patch Girl,
plate #80, $10. Boy, plate #81, $20. Donald Duck, plate #83, $35. Fred Flintstone,
plate #86, $55. Garfield, plate #88, $50. Holly Hobbie, plate #94, $15. Kermit,
plate #101, $45. Mickey in Car, plate #106, $65. Mickey, plate #110, $25. Reclining
Mickey, plate #113, $35. Mickey clock radio, plate #118, $45. Poochie, plate
#129, $20. Raggedy Ann & Andy, plate #132, $30. Princess, plate #137, $30.
Cookie Time, plate #146, $35. Snoopy on Dog House, plate #151, $40. Superman,
plate #162, $100. Superman, plate #163, $65. Tom & Jerry, plate #170, $55.
Talking radio, plate #180, $35. Doll, plate #193, $75. Statue of Liberty, plate
#227, $60. Starroid IM1, plate #243, $70. Starroid IR12, plate #244, $75. Aquastar,
plate #247, $40. Space Shuttle, plate #249, $45. Robotic radio, plate #250,
$50. Delco Battery, plate #267, $25. Carter Peanuts, plate #270, $30. Charlie
Tuna Bicycle, plate #272, $45. Ballantine, plate #323, $55. Backgammon, plate
#398, $50. Guitar, plate #400, $45. Harp, plate #410, $50. Phonograph, plate
#420, $45. Phonograph, plate #424, $30. Piano, ivory, plate #427, $65. Bookcase,
plate #463, $35. Watch, plate # 493, $35. Knight on Horse, plate #508, $75.
Standing Knight, plate #509, $70. Love, plate #511, $25. Medallion, Keep it
Green, plate #516, $20. Bunis & Breed Book: All, plate #150, $40. Coke Machine,
plate #235, $60. Hair Dryer, plate #309, $30. Telephone, plate #334, $35. Flying
Saucer, plate #479, $40. R2D2, plate #487, $75. WANTED: In Bunis &
Breed Book: Spam plate #77. Hershey's plate #85. Scotch Seven plate #100. Yoo
Hoo plate #104. Viceroy plate #162. Chevy plate #553. Riverboat plate #577.
Breed Book: Malibu plate #330. Parkay plate #372. Coke plate #388. Fred Williams,
4610 London Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46254-2130. Day phone (# removed). Eve.
(# removed).
WANTED: Parts set of Lincoln or Sampson L-640. Need only the volume window
part. Will pay your price and I mean it. David Mednick, 25 Jefferson St #7B,
Hackensack, NJ 07601-5038. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: $5 each: Emerson M-31P62, corner chip. GE M-27900 w/strap,
blk. M-7-2705C, w/strap, blk, @9/P. M-P17116, yellow/wht, w/case, orig. M-P1800,
6 volt, blk. Jade M-J-1166, grn, w/case. Magnavox M-1B-1204, blk. Sony M-TFM-6060W.
Bernie Samek, 113 Old Palmer Road, Brimfield, MA 01010. (# removed). FX0441.
FOR SALE: GE P745A, blk, $15. Traveler TR286, red, white, scratches on
back, $40. Admiral 7M11, like M12, black, $25. Philco looks like T4, black,
$20. Emerson 911, bright pink, $50. Emerson 888 Pioneer, green, $50. Westinghouse
H699PT, charcoal/white, $15. Wilco ST6, green, crack, $40. Trancel TR80, $40.
Mitsubishi, AM/SW, telescoping antenna, $30. GE 850, $20. All radios untested.
Add $3.50 for shipping each radio. Jim Martes, 15400 E. 2nd St. S., Indep, MO
64050. (# removed).
WANTED: Big Foot novelty radio, Breed pl 18. Marty Bunis, 32 West Main
St., Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed). please call before 8PM Eastern
time. Fax: (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED: Needed desperately the radio pictured above. Pink Barbie transistor
radio with pink carrying case distributed by Vanity Fair. Both pieces came in
a black plastic carry case. If needed I will also purchase the black case in
order to obtain the pink radio and pink case. Will trade or buy. Marty Bunis,
32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed), please call before
8PM Eastern time. Fax: (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Olympic M-862, w/carry case, chip back left, $20. United Royal
M-VR-1001, Tokyo, antenna, 1 ding, radio @9/P, $40. Jewell M-T.S. 10, no c/c,
yellow case, tuning left, volume right, $35. Zenith 3000-1, all logs, clean,
@10, $140. Bernie Samek, 113 Old Palmer Rd., Brimfield, MA 01010. (# removed).
FX 0441.
FOR SALE: B&K 960 Transistor Radio Analyst with copy of schematic
and manual, $65. Pakette crystal radio, $95, plus shipping. Tom Murray, 3177
Latta Road #409, Rochester, NY 14612. Phone/Fax (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Zenith Golden Triangle, not working, 2 for $150. Zenith Royal
500E, black, $25. G.E. Superadio 7-2887A, $25. Sony TR1829, cylinder radio,
$30. Panasonic cylinder radio, BCM, $20. Panasonic calender radio R77, $8. Panasonic
R-8, red or black, $12. Panasonic R-47, black cube, $15. Granada small radio-phono,
$18. Polaroid 600, new unopened, $15. G.E. P915D, black, w/case, $10. Zenith
Royal 250, black, $20. Novelties from Breed Book: #178 Blabber Mouth, $15. #411
Windsor Jukebox, NIB, $15. UPS extra. Victor Marett, 3201 N.W. 18 Street, Miami,
FL 33125. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED: I need the following Sams Photofact Transistor Radio series books.
Numbers 21, 23, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34, and 36. Reasonably priced. Would consider
#s 21-55 as a group. Eldon A. Horton, 8187 LaHabra Lane, Indianapolis, IN 46236.
Phone (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE/TRADE: Panasonic CT-101, silver, 1.5 inch CRT, color TV, NIB,
all of the accessories and papers, $300, plus shipping. Casio TV-6500, black,
2.7 inch LCD, color TV, PAL (B/G,H) system, excellent w/box, $80 plus shipping.
Prefer trade for Japanese tube portables. Noriyoshi Tezuka, 1-11-2-403 Hiroo,
Shibuyaku, Tokyo 150 Japan. E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Sony transistors: 1R-81, mint, in clamshell case, $150. 2FA-24W,
push button tuning, $125. TR-624, $35. TR-1829, $20. 2R-26, $45. TR-817, w/case,
$55. 2R-31, $15. 4F-55W, $15. TR-620, $75. Panasonic mini TV TR-100P, $145.
C. Skopis, 3414 Ralmark, Glenview, IL 60025. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Underpainted sets with modest problems. Lafayette FS-91, $125.
Mellowtone 6YR-15A, black, $45. Global GR-711, black, $45. Global GFM-921, AM/FM,
$25. WANTED: Realtone TR-1088 turquoise front plastic portion good or
damaged ok. Jon Hall, 253 Springs Oaks Lane, Ruckersville, VA 22968. (# removed),
8:30-10:30 PM. Fax (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: NOVELTY RADIOS: Nestles Souptime Box, shows wear on corners,
$35. Hersheys Syrup, Breed plate 327, NIB, $75. Heinz Ketchup Bottle, Breed
plate 328, small hairlines by bottom screw, some wear on label, $50. Camus Grand
VSOP Bottle, Breed plate 326, NIB, $25. Little Sprout, Breed plate 320, NIB,
$60. Charlie the Tuna, Breed plate 272, loose screw on back, case wear, $35.
John Wayne, Breed plate 233, $125. Spiderman Head, Breed plate 161, $65. Popeye,
Breed plate 127, missing pipe, battery cover, comes with box, box shows lots
of wear, $50. Avon Skin-So-Soft, Breed & Bunis plate 151, $20. Gilleys Beer
Can, with red plastic mug marked "Gilleys," $125. Marty Bunis, 32
West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed) before 8 PM Eastern.
Fax (# removed) anytime. E-mail: (email removed)
FOR TRADE: I have a black battery cover for a Global GR-900. Looking
for round Panasonic TVs and any TV that is weird shaped or visibly different
in appearance. Also wanted are the small Sony Watchman TVs preferrably with
box and instructions. Have other trades or will pay the difference in value.
See my other ads for the model numbers of these TVs. I am not locked into just
these models and will consider others. I am also seeking all literature, sales
brochures, instruction booklets, even empty boxesrelating to transistor TVs.
No, I am not contemplating a new book on TVs just something new to collect and
keep up my interest in transistors and in radios themselves. Marty Bunis, 32
West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed) before 8 PM EST,
fax (# removed) anytime. E-mail: (email removed)
Crystal Radios from the 50s and 60s
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Rockets, Airplanes, Pens, Watches, Mini-Table Raidos, Disasteradios, and other unusual styles. Prefer with box, but will consider just the radio. |
Marty Bunis, 32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221.
Phone (# removed)
Fax (# removed)
E-Mail: (email removed)