March 1997
Transistor Network is published monthly in paper format by Marty & Sue Bunis, and electronically by George Kaczowka. The office address is 32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed), fax (# removed), e-mail (email removed) Business hours are 9 am to 8 pm EST. Do not hesitate to contact us-we welcome your comments and suggestions.
In this issue:
The Viscount model 602 is a popular set with reverse plastic
transistor collectors. The example shown above is black and ivory plastic
and has an interesting textured and perforated wraparound grill area. At
the lower left edge of the grill is a black and white enamel badge with
the name "Viscount" and the letters "V.I.P." The upper
reverse plastic dial panel is black with silver markings and it features
a large easy to read dial area, complete with CD marks. This 6 transistor
set was made in Japan and was distributed by Consolidated, Inc.
Please remember your ads must be received by noon EST on the 10th of the month deadline. Ads may be sent by mail (Transistor Network, 32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221), fax (# removed) or e-mail ((email removed)). All ads are free. Please type or print clearly...we cannot be responsible for illegible material. All ads must be transistor related. Tube sets may be included only as part of a transistor related trade. No blind ads will be printed...all ads MUST contain a name and address. We reserve the right to edit or refuse ads which do not meet the above guidelines. See the Subscription & Advertising Information section for more details. To give your ads maximum exposure, each issue of the Transistor Network will be placed on the World Wide Web on the first of the month after the office copy is received by mail. Even if you don't have a computer, your classified ads will be available on the Internet each month for the world to see!
WANTED: Early Sony transistor
radios 1955-1963. I'm also interested in advertisements, leaflets, and service
manuals, original or copy. Henry Bohlman, Birkenstieg 21, 22359 Hamburg, Germany.
Phone (# removed), fax (# removed).
FOR SALE: Two transistor radios. Two transistors are hot! Start your
2 transistor collection today. Enjoy your tax refund. Send a LSASE for a huge
list of those hard to find 2 TRs. Gary Willoughby, 5930 W. Jefferson Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA 90016. (# removed). Fax (# removed).
WANTED: Toy crystal radios, walkie-talkies, pocket size transistor radios.
Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. (# removed).
WANTED: Transistor radio collections. Will buy one or 1000. Need not
be working. Prefer high end sets. Regular transistors or novelties. Marty Bunis,
32 West Main Street, Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed) before 8PM EST.
Fax (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED: AM/FM horizontal Plata transistor radio model 10TF-530. AM vertical
Elgin transistor radio model R-2100. Both in excellent working condition. Vince
Fanelli, PO Box 471, Thorofare, NJ 08086. (# removed).
TRADE: My Regencies, Sonys, Toshibas, Realtones and other great transistor
radios for your humble, but attractive 1950s tiny tube with batteries Japanese
and American plastic portables. Also collecting pocket crystal novelty radios,
Depression Era through 1950s Outer Space stuff need not apply. Mike Brooks,
7335 Skyline, Oakland, CA 94611.
WANTED: Westinghouse power transistor modules "bricks" - dual
bipolar Darlington modules aprx. 100 AMP. May now be Powerex brand. David Kent,
11953 Springview Dr., La Mirada, CA 90638. (# removed). 10AM to 10PM.
WANTED: Kobe Kogyo KT41 (see TN cover June '95) , Zephyr GR711 (like
Global) in other than black or white, Bulova 830 series (Bunis 2, pg 54). Minor
wear is fine. But no cracks or chips. Must work also. Bob Keenan, 12 Davis Terrace,
Peabody, MA 01960. (# removed). Leave message, I promise to return calls.
FOR SALE: Winston Cigarettes, pl 276, excellent in box, $45. Kool Aid
Kool Burst, orange, B&B 90, NIB, $30. 7 UP Can, vg, $25. Avon Skin-so-Soft,
B&B 151, NIB, $35. Pizza Hut, B&B 76, N in Pack, $45. Tony Tiger, pl
317, NIB, $35. Radio Shack Battery, pl 268, excellent, $35. Kraft Macaroni &
Cheese, B&B 63, NIB, $30. Long John Silver/Pirates, B&B 65, excellent,
$20. Agway Paint Can, excellent, $45. Kemps Frozen Yogurt, NIB, $45. Pepsi Bottle,
pl 331, excellent, $30. Heinz Ketchup, pl 328, excellent in box, $50. Cheeseburger,
pl 364, excellent in box, $35. Old Parr Whiskey, pl 378, small tear on label,
$20. Pet Evaporated Milk, pl 374, M, $50. Seagram's Cooler, pl 338, NIB, $30.
Camus Grand VSOP, pl 326, N, $35. I also have some novelty telephones for sale
plus over 150 more novelty transistor radios. Beverly McAfee, 305 Church Rd.,
York, PA 17402. (# removed). Add postage please.
FOR SALE: Toshiba 8TH-428R, turquoise, $25. Zenith Deluxe Royal 755,
leather in great shape, $25. Sony TFM-116A, $25. Sony TR717-B, $25. Arvin 7595,
coral, early 4 transistor, $25. 2 original Zenith 12 volt adapters for 3000-1,
$10 each. Arvin 61R48, chestnut, $15. Admiral 581, black, $20. Admiral Y2082,
coral, $25. Admiral Y2011, black with case, $15. Emerson 555, gold and gray,
$35. Truetone DC 3419, front looks a little like Emerson 555, white with case,
$25. Emerson Wondergram, very early small compact record player, all gold, one
of a kind, $45. Motorola 8X26E, charcoal, with case, $30. Motorola 8X26S9, maple
sugar, plastic, with case, $30. WANTED: Red Sony TR-63, Braun T3, T4,
T31, and T41. Any early shirt or coat pocket size German transistor radios.
Westrex Sound tape cassettes. Any portable to play them, 1960s vintage. Harald
Herp, 6615 Michele Court, Huntingtown, MD 20639-9056. (# removed).
WANTED: Regency TR-1 and TR-1G wanted in excellent/mint condition. Easy
to deal with and quick payment. Paul Christensen, 11142 Raley Creek Drive South,
Jacksonville, FL 32225. (# removed) during regular business hours EST. E-mail:
(email removed)
FOR SALE/TRADE: Following all new in box. Zephyr ZR620, ivory, $325.
Viscount 610, $120. Trancel TR50, tan, hairline, $135. Westinghouse H902 "mini",
gray, $35. Universal PTR62B, black, $65. General Motors 1102, black/gold, lower
half of box only, $25. Coke or Coors Can novelty radios, $35 each, pair for
$60. Sunoco Gas Pump novelty, $55. Following not new in box but no cracks or
chips unless noted. Small red Japanese Realistic, $25. Motorola X21W, mini,
ivory, chip, $25. Bulova 672, mini, ivory, chip, $25. Zenith Royal 500N, ivory,
$35. RCA 8BT10K, ivory, 1956, $45. Panasonic R1326, unusual, black, $50. Zenith
Royal 150 ivory or Royal 130 black and ivory, $35 each or pair for $60. WANTED:
Global GR900 in red. Toshiba 8TP90. Arvin 8576. Paying way to much for the following
radio parts: "V" for Truetone DC3052, same as Coronado 43-9902 in
Bunis 2. Black or white battery cover for Global GR900. Unbroken blue reverse
paint for Zephyr ZR620 and same for Channel Master 6501, will buy junkers. E-mail
me your for sale lists and I will e-mail mine. Donald M. Maurer, 29 South 4th
Street, Lebanon, PA 17042. (# removed) or E-mail (email removed)
FOR SALE/TRADE: New old stock 6 transistor hand wired radio kit SP310B.
A Packard Bell 5R1 kit using step by step instructions. I have 6. $15 each plus
UPS. Buy all six for $75. Paul Fulton, 711 Jacquelyn Rd., Westwood, NJ 07675.
(# removed).
SERVICE: Transistor Radio Repair. All major brands. Single band, BC.
$30 each plus shipping. All work guaranteed. Steve Short, 1590 Union Street,
Schenectady, NY 12309. (# removed).
FOR SALE: 14 inch x 6 inch thermometer advertising RCA 1960s batteries,
N.O.S., $75. Illuminated RCA 14 1/2 inch dia. spinning motion sign #3F89, $450.
Boy's Radio Deluxe Electra, fair, $20. Philco T-67GP, Japan, chrome and gold
trim, $15. 1954 RCA reference book, tubes, batteries, test equipment, $10. Jim
Charney, 4007 Monroe, Dearborn Heights, MI 48125. (# removed).
FOR SALE/TRADE: Magnavox AW-100 "Intercontinental",
1957, first multiband transistor portable, plug-in transistors, tan leatherette,
missing leather handle and tone control knob, $100 or best offer. Sony ICR-120,
missing chain, not working, otherwise nice, $75. Zephyr ZR-620, blue, no cracks
or chips, $200. WANTED: Paying generously for Harpers GK-900, Harpers
GK-631, Crowns, other interesting, early, or rare Japanese or American shirt
pocket or coat pocket sized transistor or submini-tube radios particularly those
with reverse paint. David Mednick, 25 Jefferson Street #7B, Hackensack, NJ 07601-5038.
(# removed).
FOR SALE/TRADE: Roxy UR-701, square, blk, hairlines, $30. Aircastle,
horz, blk, ex, $10. Philco T-76, portable, blk, good, $20. Realtone TR1820,
shirt, creme, hairline, $20. Truetone, copy of TR1820, creme, v-good, $25. GE
P815A, horz, white, vg, $15. Continental TR-801, horz, gray, vg+, $30. GE P911D,
shirt, blk, vg, $15. Nobility, shirt, creme, vg+, $10. Zenith Royal 20, vest,
tan, vg, $20. Zenith Royal 50, shirt, blk, vg+, $30. Channel Maser 6511, table,
gr, ex, $20. Lloyds TR-81, shirt, blk, vg+, $20. Universal PTR-62B, shirt, blk,
vg, $20. Panasonic T-81, horz, FM/AM, in box, vg, $20. Motorola 8X26E, vert,
coat, 2 chips, $25. Zenith Royal 750, port, leather, g, $15. Westinghouse, port,
leather, vg, $10. Motorola X25E, shirt, blk, vg, $25. Magnavox AM60, shirt,
cream, vg+ $30. RCA 4RG16, coat, taupe, vg, $15. Bulova 672, vest, blk, vg+,
$50. Airline GEN1240A, shirt, gr/wh, vg+, $15. Silvertone 4209, shirt, blk,
vg, $15. Toshiba 9TL-3655A, FM/AM, vg+, $40. Penney's 1132, horz, shirt, red,
vg, $30. Kaytone YT-781, horz, coat, maroon, hairline, $25. Lafayette KR-82,
horz, coat, blk, hairline, $20. Webcor WFM2069, port, multi band, ex, $30. Sears
6225, port, AM, blk, g, $10. Hitachi KH1005, port, FM/AM, vg, $25. Toshiba 10TL-429F,
FM/AM, ex, $50. Artemis ST-7L, horz, AM/LW, ex, $30. Magnavox AM84, horz, AM,
vg+, $20. Magnavox AM61, shirt, AM, ex, $20. GE P820A, shirt, AM, ex, $20. GE
P850B, vest, AM, vg+, $30. Magnavox AM62, shirt, vg+, $25. Panasonic T-7, shirt,
ex, $30. Tamatone, shirt, Boy's, 2 chips, $20. Jupiter Challenger, shirt, chip,
$15. GE P-911D, shirt, vg, $10. Airline, shirt, vg+, $15. Panasonic RF-680D,
horz, FM/AM, vg, $15. Emerson 988, coat, red, chip & crack, $25. Westclox
8D002, horz, vg, $25. Admiral Y2423GP, coat, ex, $25. Zenith Royal 640, port,
red/creme, ex, $20. GE P-808B, horz, vg, $15. GE P-860E, coat, Sportmate, vg,
$15. New Yorker, port, leather, ex, $20. Continental TR1066, horz, leather,
ex, $15. Holiday HN802, horz, g, $10. GE P-9011, shirt, vg, $15. Ross Supreme,
horz, blk, vg, $20. Truetone DC3318, shirt, creme, vg, $20. Sony 2R31, shirt,
ex, $15. Zenith Royal 40, shirt. Trancel T-11, horz, hairline, $30. Panasonic
T-50AA, coat, blk, ex, $35. Nordmende Transita, port, gray, vg, $35. Panasonic
R/R 3 inch RQ102S, NIB, $20. Westinghouse R/R 3 inch with bx, $10. Panasonic
sm port record player with AM, $20. Aiwa R/R 3 inch TP-703, vg, $15. RCA TV/clock
radio 4 inch screen, works, $30. JVC Video Sphere TV, cream color, $60. Silvertone
600 model 3220, gray leather, $15. Zenith Royal 755 deluxe, blk leather, ex,
$25. Motorola X48E, blk leather, sm port, $10. Airline GEN1248B, AM/FM, blk,
horz, $15. Channel Master 6506, red, horz, ex, $40. Admiral 531, port, swivel
ant, vg, $30. Admiral Y2137C Clipper, 3 band, $15. Airline GEN1202, white, horz,
shirt, vg, $25. Holiday HF601, shirt, vert, cream, ex, $20. Zenith Royal 500H,
gray, 1/2 inch top crack, $125. Hiram House, 224 Robbe Rd., Libby, MT 59923.
(# removed).
FOR SALE/TRADE: Zephyr ZR 620 white, $140. Viscount 802, antenna/case,
$75. Toshiba 6TP31A Scale, grey, face great, some wear plastic, trade/offer
over $325. "SPY-PEN" germanium toy pen radio, inst., for trade. GERMA
32 germanium/earphone/inst, $95. Micronic SR-H436 brown, $70. Mellow-Tone TR-6,
white, $30. Futura earphone only/white, $85. Crestline black 6T-220, hairline
but nice, $70. Coronet Boy's, black/white, good, $25. RADIO: Emerson "Mickey
Mouse Club" 1 in. circular pin $30. TV: Raytheon "Ferris Wheel"
TV parts display-logos intact, $175. Revere "400," $35. Truetone D941B,
$120. Jon Golden, 16 Roundwood Road, Newton, MA 02164. (# removed). E-mail:
(email removed)
FOR SALE: Black TR-1G in excellent condition, no chips or cracks, logo
well defined but oxidized, $350. Toshiba 8TP90, Concentric grill in grey, hairline
crack in bottom corner sealed, displays excellent, $695. All plus shipping.
George Kaczowka, 23 Hillside Ave, Boylston, MA 01505. (# removed) before
9pm Eastern. E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Tan Zenith Royal 500, one chip, $100. Zenith Royal 500D, maroon,
$30. Nipco with jet plane design like Motorola, $40. Owl novelty early Japanese,
$40. Arvin 9595, $20. Pepsi Vending Machine, $25. Zenith Royal 50L, $20. Suzanne
Wyatt, 4403 Boyd Rd., Dearborn, MO 64439. (# removed)
WANTED: Plate #156 Bunis/Breed book price $50 to $60. Paying $200. Call:
John DeLoria, 101 Doverbrook Road, Chicopee, MA 01022. (# removed).
FOR SALE/TRADE: Emerson 888 Explorer, white, vvg condition, no chips,
no cracks, $75. David Mednick, 25 Jefferson Street, #7-B, Hackensack, NJ 07601-5038.
(# removed).
FOR SALE: GE P-711A, aqua, exc, nice magnified dial, $45. GE P-715B,
etal with brown front, side handle, car type, plays, exc, $40. GE ring top,
one black with chrome, other white, both exc, $25 each. Channel Master 6516,
black, exc, plays, $35, maroon same, $45. Hi-Sonic, cute little red 6 trans,
Japan, CDs, $30. Universal PTR-62B, aqua, exc in box, with acc, instr, $55.
Silvertone 8208, black, long vertical early set, exc, plays well, $50. Admiral
vest pocket radios both with small box, Y2223 white, Y2272 red, both exc, $30
each. Magnavox AM-60, exc with box, also outer shipping box, nice, $35. RCA
3RH22G, green front, white back, nice little vertical, exc, $20. RCA 8-BT-8FE,
pinkish back, white front, exc, $40. RCA 8-BT-7LE, like the other greenish color
back, white front, exc, $40. Emerson 555, sunburst and gold color, very nice
set, plays, $40. Motorola X-17R, nice red set with hardly visible side crack,
displays very well, sharp set, plays well, $50. Regency TR-7, very nice set,
crack in back half still there, could be repaired, otherwise nice ivory set,
great front, has power and plays a little, $55. Emerson 999, plastic outer case
only, no cracks or chips, just some wear, $25. Bulova 290P, red, no cracks or
chips, just a little more wear than usual, would clean up very nice, plays well,
$35. Westinghouse Escort, nice little watch radio, exc, radio and watch work,
$35. Motorola X-14, black, exc, one scratch on back otherwise very sharp looking
set, still plays, some whistle, $50. Also have the following Emerson 888 all
in very nice condition. Call for complete description and price if you need
one of these: Pioneer red, black, white; Vanguard gray, black; Explorer black;
Atlas black; Marconi, like Pioneer red; Rambler red, black. Harold Trieb, 644-8th
St. No., Hudson, WI 54016. (# removed).
WANTED: Following portables in excellent condition, both cosmetically
and playing. 1960 GE P780E, brown color. 1959 Philco T-9, multiband port. and
Airline 621258. Write don't phone. Mike Hanke, 1036 So. 15th Ave., Wausau, WI
FOR SALE: Jupiter Boy's radio/watch, new in clear-covered
presentation case, as pictured above and on page 136 of the second Bunis book
and page 76 of Made In Japan. Two available, will sell for $200 each or trade
for pristine examples of quality Japanese reverse plastic transistors. Photo
helps if offering radios in trade. Bruce Phillips, 127 Bunker Hill Avenue, Stratham,
NH 03885. (# removed) after 5PM please.
WANTED: Interested in any snappy looking model, mint condition, shirt
pocket transistor radios by Toshiba, Hitachi, Bulova, Matsushita, prefer early
1960s. Larry Mitchell, 7963 Depew Street, Arvada, CO 80003. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Blabber Mouse, B179, $25. Ball & Chain, B515, $10. Cabbage
Patch Kids, B&B 358, $25. Blink Monkey, B&B 248, $15. Power Rangers
clock radio, $25. Mickey Mouse, B116, $10. Mickey Mouse, B109, MBC, 2/$6. Coca
Cola bottle, $5. Cabbage Patch Boy, B81, $12. Pound Puppy, B130. Planter's Munch'N'Go
Back Pack, B&B 229. Coca Cola tote bag, B&B 226, $30. Smurf, B156B,
$12. Cabbage Patch Kids, B82, $15. Hambuger Helper, B284, $45. Fluffy Raccoon,
$15. Heinz Tomato Ketchup bottle, B328, $45. Tropicana Orange, $15. Care Bear,
B77, $15. Robert J. Goad, 8441 Flagstone Drive, Tampa, FL 33615-4915.
(# removed).
MAIL/PHONE AUCTION: April 26, really cool radios including Sony TR-510
green, Bulova Comet, Viscount 602 VIP, American Motors 2tr earphone only....many,
many more. Send SASE for free color catalogue (wow). Darryl Rehr, 2591 Military
Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90064. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED: Any German transistor radios, only pocket size, and Sony TR-510
or 610, TR-63 in red, TR-86 in red, Realtone TR-1088, Global GR-900, GR-711,
Zephyr AR-600. Also looking for brochures, flyers, folders and any advertising
on early transistor radios. And I look for the early transistors as components,
especially point-contact transistors. Have German swaps on all items. Rudi Herzog,
P.O. Box 140 108, 30959 Hemmingen, Germany. Phone: (# removed). Fax: (# removed).
FOR SALE: Novelty radios. Ethyl Gas Pump, mint, plays, $50. Candlestick
Telephone by Swank, worn silver, plays, $75. Crown Melody Coins Bank, mint,
plays, $50. Coffee Cup ad Saucer, neat set, mint, plays, $100. Yogi Bear bathroom
radio, blue, plays, $25. Liberty Bell, nice, plays, $100. Crystal set, Midget
Monitor Radio by Hearever Inc., CA, $100. Chuck Bray, 1322 Ivy Rd., Bremerton,
WA 98310. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Zephyr ZR-620, white, mint, w/case, $185. Toshiba 9TM-40, gray
and white, excellent, w/case, $375. Sony TR-620, black w/clamshell case, cloth
& papers, excellent, $135. Candle Transistor 2, as in MIJ, coral, excellent,
$175. Midland Super Micro 8, NIB, $110. Toshiba Marine 7TP-352M, excellent,
$110. Realtone TR-8611, black, excellent, $135. Elgin, jet plane design grill,
black and white, coat pocket, $135. Allen Weiner, 80 Central Park West, NYC
10023. (# removed). Fax (# removed). E-mail: (email removed) Please
add for postage.
FOR SALE: TH666, NIB, $250. Vanguard 888, red, mint, $140. Green, $120.
Emerson 555, green, exc, $100. Jeb 6YR15A, turquoise, $130. Marconi Pioneer,
red, $150. Marconi, Toshiba 626, hockey commemorative puck, $250. Standard SR-H436,
MIB, $120. Toshiba 6TP-394, black, NIB, $200. Toshiba 309A, gray, $175. Crosley
hybrids $140 each. DeForest CP6000, $150. Others. A.R. Nolf, 539 Kastelic Place,
Burlington, Ontario, Canada, L7N 3S9. (905) 333-455?.
WANTED: Sony TR-714 pocket transistor shortwave and like sets. Harry
White, 62 Sequoia Drive, Syracuse, NY 13215. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Truetone DC-3105, green, $45. GE P-676, white, $60. Imperial
earphone only blk Philmore TR-22, $35. Sony TR-810, black, $35. Musicare blk/wh,
$20. Packard Bell 6RT2 RE Jade crystal set & Pony crystal set, $85 both.
GE P-711, aqua, $30. Silvertone 1206 ice Silvertone 9204 gray $35. Nobility
6tr salmon tabletop, $10. Rev-plastics: Global GR- Linmark T-64 black, $75.
Coronet Boy's Radio, b&w, $35. Pearltone T-801 salmon/white, $55. TH-666,
white, $65. Penney's Toshiba, 6TP-322, blk/wh, $45. Bulova 278, $35. WANTED:
Arvin 8 TR-11, Philmore TR-12, Toshiba 3TP-315Y, Candle TR-2 & PTR-63, Lark
TR-105 and TR-107, Regency XR2/A, Superex TR-66, Continental TR-100 & TR-208,
GE P831A. Paul Steingel, 2153-10th Avenue West, Seattle, WA 98119-2844.
(# removed).
FOR SALE: Coke Bottle, $35. Care Bears AM/FM quartz alarm clock in box,
$40. Mickey Arm Chair, AM, MIB, $35. Ohio State Football Helmet, 1973, USA,
gray with white & black, nice, $35. Dancing Slimer, mint, original 16 inch
box, $40. Hugga Bunch, 1984, excellent with Hugga head, $35. Coca-Cola mini-cooler,
MIB, AM/FM with TV-1 and TV-2 bands, $60. Mickey Mouse AM with belt clip and
carrying strap, MOC, $35. AM radio with sing-a-long microphone, Super Mario
Bros. 1989, MOC, $40. Barbi mini head set radio, MIB, $35. Raggedy Ann &
Andy, 1975, with sunflower and I love you, excellent, MBC, $50. Edison Mabry,
715 W. Longview Ave., Mansfield, OH 44906. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Not just a parade of high end sets, but rather
an eclectic group of our personal favorites featured in this fun, informative
video. Nearly two hours long, you'll see over 100 fabulous radios, colorful
boxes, and advertising pieces. With lots of transistor trivia and collecting
tips. A program list is included with brand names and model numbers. VHS. $29.95
includes postage. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
(# removed).
FOR SALE: Novelties listed in Breed book. #7 metal Rolls Royce from Japan,
$20.00. #18, Bigfoot, needs antenna and minor repair, $15.00. #24, Racer, similar,
$18.00. #38 Stage Coach, brown, $50.00. #41, Mark Twain, $75.00. #52, Old World
Globe, similar, $30.00. #240, Moonship, in box, $40.00. #278 Eveready Classic,
$18.00. #307 R-A-D-I-O, white, BCM, $15.00. #411 Jukebox, NIB, $20.00. #497
Little John, Similar, white, $10.00. #524, Cube, Black, with base, $15.00. #525,
Wrist Radio, blue, $10.00. UPS extra. Victor Marett, 3201 N.W. 18 Street, Miami,
FL 33125. (# removed). E-mail (email removed)
WANTED: Historical information on the Sony TFM 110W and Sharp FX401.
Larry Mitchell, 7963 Depew Street, Arvada, CO 80003. (# removed).
FOR SALE: NIB Commodore C-64 computer, working, $10 plus UPS. WANTE:
Sams AR manuals, one each of volumes 309, 310, 314 thru 322, 324 thru 340. Need
schematic of Heath MP-14 inverter, and Rhoapes TE-300 TV sound tuner. Jim Farago,
4017-42nd Ave. So., Mpls., MN 55406-3528. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Transistors: Bulova 640, black, fancy gold metal filigree grille,
$85. Channel Master 6509, red, $30. Coronet Boy's Radio, black/white, excellent
in original box, $75. Global GR-711, black, $110. Gulton Everplay 2836A, 2 tone
gray, rechargeable, works, case, $40. Hitachi TH-627R, black, case, near mint,
$60. Hitachi WH-822H, black, case $40. Jaguar T2010, black, case, $60. Lloyd's
Super Micro TR-98, black, NIB with all accessories, $185. Orion Deluxe, black/white,
$80. Silvertone 9205, coral, 1959, case, $75. Sony 2R-28, black, case, AM/FM,
$30. Sony 3F-85W, black, case, AM/FM, exc., $30. Sony 3R-68, ivory, $25. Sony
TR-609, two-tone gray, case, $75. Sony TR-1819, woodgrain/gold, vg+, $25. Sony
TR3550, black, excellent, $25. Standard Micronic Ruby SR-G45, black, exc, $75.
Standard Micronic Ruby SR-G45, bright red, NIB w/accessories, $200. Standard
Micronic Ruby SR-H436, black, NIB w/accessories, $175. Star-Lite Celestra TRN-69,
black, reverse, $85. Sylvania 4P19W, beige case, plays, near excellent, $30.
Sylvania 7P12, black/white, swing handle, case excellent, $50. Toshiba 6TP-354,
ivory, several cracks, one tiny chip, vg, $40. Toshiba TR-193 Lace, red/white,
$225. Trans-ette YRM-6, ivory, $55. Universal PTR-62B, aqua, in box with all
accessories, vg+, $60. Viscount 602 VIP, black/white, chip, otherwise excellent,
$125. NOVELTIES: Knight's Head, made in Japan, works, vg+, $50. 1928
Lincoln Model L convertible, NIB, $25. Russ Abrams, 2330 Villaret Drive S.W.,
Huntsville, AL 35803. (# removed).
WANTED: Early Sony transistor radios 1955-1963. I'm also interested in
advertisements, leaflets, and service manuals, original or copy. Henry Bohlmann,
Birkenstieg 21, 22359 Hamburg, Germany. Phone (# removed). Fax
(# removed).
TRADE: Zephyr AR-600, Zephyr ZR-620, Zephyr GR-3T6, Viscount 6TP-102,
Realtone 1088, Marvel 6YR15, Old Crow, Toshiba TR-193, Candle TR-2, Linmark
T-64, Toneluxe Boy's Radio, Hoffman solar P706, Emerson 849, Magnavox AM-2,
Zenith 500H T/T-gray, Truetone DC309. WANTED: Miniman crystal set, Regency
TR-11, Toshiba 3TP-315Y, Philmore TR-12, Arvin 8, Echo two transistor, Lark
TR-105 & TR-107, Kowa KT-31, Continental TR-100 & TR-208, Regency XR2/A,
Superex TR-66, Candle PTR-63, GE P831A. Paul Steingel, 2153 10th Avenue West,
Seattle, WA 98119-2844. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Ambassador, 10 trans, knock off of Zenith 500, white/gold,
$25. Aristotone MT605, white, MIB, w/case, $35. Arvin 66R58 leather portable,
ex condition, $20. Channel Master 6515 Superfringe, maroon, vg condition, w/case,
$35. Channel Master 6231, 10 transistor, AM/FM, portable, $25. GE P946B, white,
6 transistor, w/case, $10. Hitachi TH-862R Marie, black/gold, ex condition,
w/case, $40. Morse NTR-800, AM/shortwave, blk/wht, vg cond, w/case-ant-earphone,
same as I.D.A., Bunis 2 pg 129, $35. RCA 1T1E, ivory case w/gold grille, vg
cond, $35. RCA 3RH21G, charcoal/wht, inner & outer case, includes orig purchase
receipt, $30. RCA 4RG623, red/with chrome face and handle, a very attractive
small portable, $25. Realistic 95L-020, leather case with handle, appears to
be made by Toshiba, $25. Spica ST-600, white w/case, has some rear chips and
cracks but displays well, $20. Sylvania TH-16, wht/gray, vg cond, $40. Zenith
Royal 280, charcoal, w/case, very clean, $35. Zenith Royal 500, black, rough
condition but complete, $25. No calls after 8 PM EST please. W. Eaton, 184 Sawyer
Drive, Owego, NY 13827. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Airline GEN1231A, B 28, $10. Arvin 62R49, B 42, not original
grill, $15. Channel Master 6543, AM/SW, rechargeable, $20. Channel Master 6524,
B 62, $15. Hilton Prince Boy's Radio, B 119, $45. Motorola X11E, B 168, $30;
X14R, B 169, $40; 6X31C, B 164, $60; 6X39A, B 164, $75. Philco T81GP, B 204,
$20. Ross Supreme, $12. Sony TR1819, B 260, $20. Suntone, B 268, $85. Universal
PTR62B, B 291, $20. Zenith Royal 500E, B 313, $45. Zenith 150, B 312, $30. NOVELTIES:
Blabber Mouse, B 179, $15. Care Bear, B&B 361, MBC, $0. Bert & Ernie,
B 149, $10. Computer Mouse, NIB, $10. French Phone, HK, copy of B 488, $25.
Frog by Radio Shack, NIB, $10. Big Bird, B&B 401, $10. GE Picture Cube,
B&B 324, $15. Grammy Phone 8, copy of B 419, in box, $25. Lady Bug, red
or orange, B 199, in box, $25. Paper Towel Holder, in box, $18. Porshe Racer,
similar to B 24 but no markings, $20. Avon SSS, not original BC, B&B 151,
$10. Polaroid Film Pack, B&B 191, $15. Sinclair Dino Gas Pump, B 283B, $30.
H.B. McMahan, 313 W. Shaw, Tyler, TX 75701-3029. (# removed). UPS extra.
FOR SALE: Standard SR-F22, ivory, $175. Realtone TR-803, turquoise, $125.
Barlow 6T-180, black, $400. Gilligan's Island radio, $50. Sony TR-817, with
tuning meter, $120. Global GR-711, black, new-in-box, $250. White, new-in-box,
$350. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367. (# removed).
WANTED: Royal 500 transistor radios, any condition. Parts sets ok. Prefer
any color but black. Need models 500, 500D, 500RD, 500B, but will take black
ones and 500E if the price is right. Let me know what you have. Eldon A. Horton,
8187 LaHabra Ln., Indianapolis, IN 46236. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Motorola 7X23E, $285. Regency TR-1, black, w/case, small cracks
on back, $350, TR5-C, tan, $65. TR-6, black, $55. Motorola 6X32E-1, paint falling
off, $40. Philco T7-126, ivory, $75. Trancel TR80, red, 2 hairlines, w/case,
$110. Minivox RR-34B, clock/watch/radio, w/case, $35. Pakette crystal radio,
$125. Rocket crystal radio, w/box, $125. Sony 2R-21, w/case earphone & strap,
$35. Sony TR1814, $10. RCA T-1JE, R10, $15. Electra Little Tiger VHF converter,
$15. Westinghouse H790P6, $22. GE P-808H, white, w/case & battery, $10.
Coronet Boy's radio, blue, no ant., $30. Everplay rechargeable, w/case &
battery, $30. Ross RE210, in box, $35. Channel Master 6506, 4, $5-$25. Zenith
Royal 500, 15, handwired, 500, 500D, 500E, $20-$75. Majestic Super Eighty, 8
transistor, white, chipped, made in USA, Royal 500 similarity, $25. Zenith Royal
400J, $10. Royal 200, $25. Royal 275, corroded, $10. Royal 275, $25. Royal 705,
leather, $15. Zenith Super Royal hearing aid, $20. Zenith Royal 3000-1, w/rare
BFO, $250. Teacher's Highland Cream, $65. Coke Machine 2001, $40. 1963 Cadillac,
in box, $20. Emerson 888 Pioneer, 8, various, $25-$90. Emerson no name, same
as Pioneer, white, bottom front crack, battery leakage, $45. Marconi 488, same
as Pioneer, white, crack back left side, $55. Galaxy, turq, commemorative of
Seattle World's Fair, $35. Explorer, 8, various, $35-$110. Dark green Explorer,
$125. Vanguard, 10, various, $35-$65. Emerson 988 Rambler, 6, various, $35-$75.
Emerson 555, 3, $40-$65. Emerson 911 Eldorado, 2, $20 ea. Emerson 977 Falcon,
black, leather case, $35. All + shipping, offers accepted. Tom Murray, 3177
Latta Rd. #409, Rochester, NY 14612. Ph/fax (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Send SASE for list of pocket and portable transistor radios
that have been electronically restored and play like they did when they were
new. Randy Hartge, 6612 North 90th Street, Omaha, NE 68122. (# removed).
E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Collectors Guide To Transistor Radios, Second Edition, $16.95
(Canada add $3 shipping, US add $2 shipping). Collectors Guide to Novelty Radios,
$18.95 (Canada add $4 shipping, US add $3 shipping) Collecting Transistor Novelty
Radios, 1994 Price Update, $4.95. Marty Bunis, 32 West Main Street, Bradford,
NH 03221. (# removed) before 8 PM EST. Fax (# removed) anytime. E-mail:
(email removed)
WANTED: Crown TR-777, TR-666, TR-999. Truetone DC-3090, DC-3105. Barlow/Crestline
6T-180. Sampson/Lincoln L-640. Standard SR-F22, SR-F25, SR-D210. Realtone TR-561,
TR-803. Toshiba 8TP-90, 6TP-309, 5TR-221. Linmark T-25. Lido/Union TR-270. Koyo/Capri
KR-6TS35. Yeacon/Calrad/Selfix YTR-58, YTR-602 or other shirt pocket radios
by Koyo or Yaecon. JUNK SETS: Trancel TR-194, dial. Toshiba 5TP-90, emblem.
Zephyr ZR-740, stand. FOR SALE /TRADE: Hoffman Trans-Solar BP-706, mocha, excellent,
still works on its solar cells, $385. Union Boy's radio table model, plays,
very good, $55. Buyer pays $15 shippin. Hans Beenen, de Boster 5, 8401 HH Gorredijk,
the Netherlands. Tel/fax: 011-31-513-465673. E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Extremely scarce Bulova 290L Coca-Cola transistor radio. This
set was made in 1960 in very limited numbers for Coca-Cola bottling executives.
It is likely the first licensed Coca-Cola set. Price is $375. Send $1 plus SASE
for color picture. Bob Wood, 3612 N 12th Ave., Pensacola, FL 32503. (# removed).
E-mail: (email removed)
ATTENTION: If you can send me your ads by e-mail
I would appreciate it. Please limit your ads to transistor related material.
WANTED: Capehart transistor radio model T8-201 as pictured
above. Jim Given, 1840 Country Meadows Terrace, Sarasota, FL 34235. (# removed).
FOR SALE: Juliette RS-15 solid state AM, small table radio, A/C, beige,
good condition with a few melt marks on top, works vg, asking $15. RCA RZS321A,
portable alarm clock radio, AM/FM, folding base stand, FM rod antenna, radio
works fine, clock may need repair, aspen blue, vg+ cond, asking $22. S.D.S.
S1260, solid state 15, black, in box, e/p, instructions, schematic, carrying
strap, works very low, 1969 vintage, asking $20. Viscount 933, VHF/FM/AM, near
ex cond, in torn carton, w/ep & instructions, works fine, leatherette cabinet,
asking $35. Midland cube shaped TV/FM radio, missing battery door cover, works
fine, gray yellow color, asking $8. Realtone 8812, 1966 vintage, 11 bands, tumbler
tuner, tone control, precise fine tuning control, hifi, dx switch, AFC switch,
world time zone, map, original A/C adaptor & new batteries, ex cond, works
ex, a real beauty, must see, asking $110. Robert Boccaccino, 6 Roslyn Ave, Selden,
NY 11784. (# removed)
FOR SALE: Sun Mark 10, FCC reg, AF9100?, g, $45. Zenith all trans chass
6ET42Z2, 4.5v, g, $20. Zenith R13Y, 3v, w/case, vg, $30. Realistic Little Six,
leather case, g, $20. Panasonic Super 7. Sears s/s chrome grill, tan around
dial, vg, $15. Bernie Samek, 113 Old Palmer Rd, Brimfield, MA 01010. (# removed),
fx 0441.
FOR SALE: Transistor radio photo guides. Each guide
packed with photos of all known collectible models of each brand. With model
numbers and notes. GLOBAL/ZEPHYR guide shows all 32 of these great radios. STANDARD
guide shows all 50 of the Standards including all 13 Micronic Rubys. REALTONE
guide has 59 models, TOSHIBA has 61, SONY guide has 94. Guides include rare
models not shown anywhere else. REGENCY booklet tells all about the first transistor
radio and related models TR-1, TR-1G, TR-4, Bulova 250, Mitchell, Mantola, and
discusses colors, variation, date codes, rarities, and trivia. Lots of info
and pictures. Regency booklet is $10, all others are $7 each. Prices include
postage. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
(# removed).
FOR SALE OR TRADE: Realtone TR-1843, ivory w/ chrome grill, Bunis I page
172, w/ case, excellent, $30 ppd. NEC NT-61, Bunis II page 179, has a chip in
the slotted holes on the back, two hairlines, the ferrite antenna inside is
broken, still very pretty, and perfect from the front, $65 ppd. Aurora Transistor
6, maroon w/chrome grill, MIJ page 43, hairline & crack, stylish, $30 ppd.
Sharp TR-202, ivory w/ chrome grill, Bunis I page 186, one chip, two hairlines,
$40 ppd. Sony TRW-621, light gray & coral, Bunis I page 202, small hairline
& chip, missing watch stem, $85 ppd. Channel Master 6506B, ebony w/chrome
grill, Bunis I page 47, original box w/instructions, case, etc, chip, $25 ppd.
Toshiba 5TP-90, maroon w/ chrome grill, Bunis I page 215, w/case, reverse paint,
stylish, hard to find, excellent, $65 ppd. Toshiba 6TP-309, ebony w/ chrome
grill, Bunis II page 279, one hairline, two small chips, one of the prettiest
sets ever made, $165 ppd. Toshiba 7TP-352S, Bunis I page 218, hairline, w/case,
case is falling apart, radio is excellent, $80 ppd. Bulova 672, ivory w/gold
grill, Bunis II page 53, two hairlines, $30 ppd. Bulova 672, ivory w/ gold grill,
Bunis II page 53, small & cute, very good, $40 ppd. Bulova 672, ivory w/gold
grill, Bunis II page 53, w/case, excellent, $50 ppd. Zenith Royal 20, ebony
w/chrome grill, Bunis I page20, $20 ppd. Firestone 4-C-29, subminiature tube
hybrid, Bunis II page 88, orange w/ivory grill, missing tuning knob, chip out
of folding handle, otherwise very good, $105 ppd. Regency TR-7, ebony w/great
patterned grill, very similar to the TR-99 shown in Bunis I page 176, one hairline
on the clear plastic, one chip, hard to find, works! $100 ppd. Hoffman RP 706
Trans-Solar, red w/gold grill, Bunis II page 127, excellent, $345 ppd. Hoffman
BP-709X Solar, tan w/chrome grill, Bunis II page 126, w/case, excellent, but
the clear plastic panel that covers the solar cells has a single starburst crack,
works fine, $100 ppd. Standard SR-G433, ebony w/gold grill, Bunis II page 263,
hand strap not original, excellent, $45 ppd. Kent Deluxe Boy's Radio, 2 transistor,
ivory w/gold grill (See Hilton Prince, Bunis II pg.119), hairline by tuning
knob & earphone jack, w/case, $40 ppd. GE P830C, gray w/chrome grill, just
like the P831C shown in Bunis II page 99, excellent, $30 ppd. Motorola X-21W,
ivory w/gold grill, Bunis I page 128, rhinestone, excellent, $45 ppd. Motorola
8X26E, charcoal, Bunis II page 165, $40 ppd. Motorola 8X26S, light yellow, one
chip, one crack, Bunis II page 165, $30 ppd. Zenith Royal 450, ebony, Bunis
I page 244, near new condition, $75 ppd. Emerson transistor pocket radio, similar
to the Emerson 838 in Bunis II page 83, subminiature tube hybrid, ebony &
silver, each of the two battery doors has a chip beside it, $95 ppd. General
Electric P-830E, light blue w/chrome grill, Bunis II page 99, reverse paint,
stylish, average condition, $20 ppd. Philco T-7, ivory, Bunis I page 152, w/case,
very good, $65 ppd. RCA 8-BT-7J, winsome, ivory & gray, excellent, Bunis
II page 218, $75 ppd. Truetone DC 3052, red w/ebony grill, identical to the
Coronado 43-9902 in Bunis II page 70, w/black leather case, "0215"
"116004" "T131952," one small hairline, there is also a
small mouse one side; I don't know if it is original or not, otherwise very
nice, $65 ppd. GE 675, ebony, GE's first, Bunis I page 72, gold printing is
90%+, w/case, $95 ppd. GE 676, ivory, GE's first, Bunis I page 72, red printing
is 90%+, $95ppd. GE 677, red, GE's first, Bunis I page 72, gold printing is
25%, $85 ppd. GE 677, red, GE's first, Bunis I page 72, gold printing is gone,
$75 ppd. Toshiba 8TM 41, Bunis I page 219, excellent, w/case, $65 ppd. Toshiba
7TP-352M, just like the 7TP-352S shown in Bunis I page 218, w/case, excellent,
$80 ppd. Raytheon T-2500, Bunis I page 160, very nice condition, far better
than average, works, too! $95 ppd. Raytheon T-2500, Bunis I page 160, average
condition, leather covering worn, works, $75 ppd. Emerson 888, just like a Pioneer,
Bunis II page 85, ebony, one chip, works! Glossy, & great paint, $65 ppd.
Emerson 888 Pioneer, Bunis II page 85, turquoise, average, $55 ppd. Mellow-Tone
2 transistor, model NR 23, very similar to the Four Star in Bunis II page 89,
maroon w/chrome grill, MIB, $85 ppd. Mellow-Tone 2 transistor, model NR 23,
very similar to the Four Star in Bunis II page 89, ebony w/chrome grill, MIB,
$85 ppd. Zenith Royal 500H, ebony, Bunis I page 246, excellent, works great,
$125 ppd. Zenith Royal 500H, ebony, Bunis I page 246, some slight grill corrosion,
very good, works great, $105 ppd. Zenith Royal 500H, ivory, Bunis I page 246,
some slight grill corrosion, one small chip, very good, works great, $105 ppd.
Trancel 7TM-312S, 2 band, identical to the Toshiba 7TM-312S shown in Bunis I
page 217, not working, w/case, $55 ppd. Regency TR-5C, Bunis I page 175, very
good, $75 ppd. Channel Master 6516, ebony, Bunis I page 48, excellent, works
great, $55 ppd. Trancel T-11, ivory w/chrome grill, Bunis I page 221, works,
excellent, $30 ppd. Realtone Constellation, ebony w/ chrome grill, Bunis I page
174, w/case, excellent, $50 ppd. Emerson 555, ivory & gray, Bunis II page
82, w/case, excellent, $45 ppd. Emerson 555, turquoise & gold, Bunis II
page 82, one small crack on the back cover, excellent, $45 ppd. Zenith Royal
500, maroon, chassis 7ZT40Z1, Bunis I page 245, this is not the hand-wired model,
but I believe it is the second model, with a clear plastic protector under the
tuning knob only, no chips or cracks, but the two small tabs that hold the edge
of the battery cover inside the case have broken off, $70 ppd. Emerson 888 Explorer,
ivory, Bunis I page 66, one small hole in the grill, very good, $55 ppd. Emerson
988 Rambler, ebony, Bunis I page 68, one tiny hairline, one tiny chip, excellent,
$60 ppd. Emerson 911, orange w/gold trim, Lane page 42, one chip, one crack,
very good, $30 ppd. RCA T-1JE, vory & gray, Bunis I page 168, very good,
$25 ppd. RCA T-2K, tan leather, Bunis I page 168, very good, $20 ppd. Philco
T4-124, ivory, Lane page 80, one tiny chip, w/case, excellent, $40 ppd. Might-Mite
MTR-61, ebony w/chrome grill & gold trim, identical to Fancy 8 Lane page
44, reverse paint, one crack, two chips, $35 ppd. Lorus FM radio watch MOC,
$20 ppd. Dynamic DTR-820, gray w/chrome grill, similar to Dynamic Super 8, Lane
page 39, reverse paint, stylish, two cracks, one chip, $40 ppd. Continental
TR-884, w/leather case, excellent, $25 ppd. Viscount 806, ebony w/chrome grill,
excellent, $45 ppd. Maco 5 transistor radio model T-14, Lane page 62, maroon
& light gray, original box, w/case & earphone, the earphone has an extremely
unusual plug connector, the knurling on the volume control knob is worn, and
the knob falls off easily, otherwise excellent, $75 ppd. Hitachi WH-667 Judy,
two-tone light green, BC & SW, larger than a coatpocket, reverse paint,
very unusual & stylish, hairline, the on-off knob is a close replacement,
$35 ppd. Viscount V I P, ebony w/ chrome grill, w/case, excellent, $55 ppd.
Continental, small 4-tube coat pocket portable, ebony w/gold grill, missing
one tube, $45 ppd. Hamburger Helping Hand, excellent, $30 ppd. Hearing aid,
Zenith Super Royal, uses sub-miniature tubes, w/original clamshell case &
earphone, $50 ppd. Hearing aid, Beltone mono-pac model C, w/original clamshell
case, instruction booklet, harness, & earphone, $40 ppd. Continental TR-150,
gray w/gold trim, one small chip, two small cracks, some oxidation on the gold
trim, reverse paint, stylish, $50 ppd. Rocket ship crystal radio, black base,
red fins, white body, real cute, a couple of minor hairlines, $65 ppd. Plantair
crystal radio, black w/gold grill, very good, $40 ppd. Mercury 7 Astro crystal
radio, wonderful! new on the original bubble hanging card, $195 ppd. Philmore
Super radio crystal set cat. No.7001, original box included, but is tattered,
$55 ppd. Tarlton, ebony & white, cracked, missing name plate, w/case, $20
ppd. Harpers small 4-tube coat pocket portable, ebony w/gold grill, two small
cracks on the handle, otherwise excellent, $75 ppd. Little Pal, extra small
4 tube portable, beautiful tomato red w/ebony trim & gold hi-lights, the
back cover is missing & there are a couple of melt marks, displays well,
$45 ppd. Philco QT-85 BKG, ebony w/ chrome grill, micro size, MIB, $35 ppd.
Ross Micro RE 714, ivory w/ flashy gold & ebony grill design, MIB, $45 ppd.
Viscount 605, ebony w/ gold grill, two chips, w/case, works! $55 ppd. Marvel
6YR-19, red w/gold grill, identical to the Polly, MIJ page 39, very small, cute
set, rhinestone, $75 ppd. Viscount 6T-300, ebony w/gold grill, MIJ page 39,
w/case, two chips, very good, $50 ppd. Royal, ebony & white, two chips,
$30 ppd. Nipco BL-006P, ebony w/chrome grill, excellent, w/case, $100 ppd. DeLuxe
Starlight, maroon w/silver grill, w/case, hairline, excellent, very early Hong
Kong, strong performer, $20 ppd. Harpers GK-600, ebony, w/beautiful leather
case, one hairline, $35 ppd. Candle PTR-100, ivory w/chrome grill, $25 ppd.
Phillros Electronics black sunglasses novelty radio, like new, $20 ppd. John
Treggiari, 5 Pioneer Circle, Salem, MA 01970-1225. Tel (# removed). FAX
(# removed). E-Mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Have a near mint Motorola X-15 in tan, no case, $125 obo. Larry
Mitchell, 7963 Depew Street, Arvada, CO 80003. (# removed).
SERVICES: Crack repair, worn or missing lettering restored exactly like
original. Reproduction trim parts for transistor radios including badges, nameplates,
flat dials. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
(# removed).
FOR SALE/TRADE/OFFERS: Zenith 500H, black, good, one very small chip,
plays strong, $75. Zenith 555 Sun Charger, white, exc, $150. Emerson 888 Vanguard,
gray, nice, $60. Gran Prix GP-901, 2 band, good, $15. Pair of Claricon tranceivers,NIB,
w/papers, earphones and original Flying Bomb batteries, neato, $30. Realistic
90LX661, multiband, exc, $20. Realtone TR970, chips, $45. Crosley Roamio car
radio, works, $75. Philips LOX90T/01, 2 band, nice, $45. NOVELTIES: Trades
welcome. Spirit of St. Louis jukebox, MIB, was $85, 1 left, $60. Sanyo Dice,
B 402, exc, $40. Old Parr, B 378, exc, $40. Camel Cigarette promo jukebox, B
439, MIB, extremely rare, $150. Beanee Weenee, MIB, $35. Target Herbicide, exc,
$50. Baseball, exc, $25. Barbie in convertible, AM/FM, coral/blue, MIB, $50.
Exxon Uniflo, exc, B 26, $70. Toy Soldier, B&B 279, exc, $55. Football player,
ex, B&B 525, $40. Tire, rare, B&B 587, NIB, $75. Ernie in tub, very
rare, B 139, MIB, $85. Snoopy, B 151, exc, $40. Spiderman, B 160, MBC, $15.
Jimmy Carter Peanut, B 183, MIB, $85. Naughty Doll, exc, B 191, $90. Spirit
of 76, B 231, exc, $45. I-M-1, B 243, exc, $45. Ray-O-Vac, B 269, exc, $50.
Eveready Classic, NIB, $45. Sentry Hardware, g, $40. Coor's Can, B 342, exc,
$35. Welch's Can, B 354, exc, $40. Keg radio, B 377, exc, $65. Mickey/Minnie
Music City, B 121, missing sign, otherwise NIB, $10. Power Rangers AM/FM Head,
exc, $15. Amoco Gas Pump, B 283, $20. Big Bird Head, B 144, $10. Panda, B 222,
$25. Liberty Bell, B 514, $55. MIB units, 4 different styles similar to B&B
452 & 453, different colors, choice, $20 each or 2 for $35. Robot IR12,
B 244, MBC, g, works, $35. Computer AM/FM/alarm, MIB, $50. John Player Special,
B 22, exc, $30. Huckleberry Hound, exc, B 99, $55. Shaun Cassidy radio, mint,
$45. Oreo Cookie, B 370, exc, $25. Avon SSS, B&B 151, exc, $15. Knight's
Helmet, B 507, g, $15. Computer Mouse FM/scan, MIB, $15. Rest Room radio, B
496, GIB, $5. French Telephone, B 488, $20. Polaroid AM/FM Film, B 179, $10.
Raggedy Ann/Andy, B 131, MBC, $5. Jukebox, B 411, exc, $20. Looking for : B
460 Outboard motor, B 252 TR4U Robot, B 161 Spiderman Head, Batman B&B 353
AM/FM clock radio, Mighty Mouse on Cheese B&B 387, Lunalit B&B 612.
All plus ship/handle. Days 10AM till 6PM EST. Dan Phelan, Consolidated Electronics,
24 Hinchey Rd., Rochester, NY 14624. Phone/fax (# removed).
FOR SALE: Regency TR-1G, black, repaired crack, looks vg, $195. Tokyo
Denki Sangyo 6 tr. Hi-Fi Jr., ivory, w/kick stand, top crack, $35. Commodore
Super Deluxe 8 tr., reverse paint top, black w/kick stand, $75. Lloyd's, similar
to Commodore, red, w/rev paint top, chips, $55. NRC 6tr 6TP-112, rev paint top,
blk/wht, nice, $75. Emerson 888 Vanguard, black, $65. Candle 10tr, white horizontal,
CP, w/case, $30. Koyo KR-6TS33, blue/gray, chip, $30. NEC NT-625, black, chip,
$25. Truetone DC3408A, black, $18. Bulova 290P, gray, $45. 2tr Boy's desk set,
radio less pen holder, $60. Windsor 2tr boy's table radio, less name strip,
$45. Bon 2tr, green, chip, $30. Spica ST-600, black, $30. Fuji Denki TRS-861,
CP, horizontal, AM/SW, w/rev paint top dial, chips, $25. Jaguar T-2011 6tr,
small black pocket set w/case, $25. NEC NT-6B, gray, large CP, w/oval transistors,
works, $45. Zenith AM/FM rechargeable w/base, $30. Westinghouse travel clock
radio, $15. DeWald K-702B, leather, rough back, $15. Emerson 707, white, $45.
Zenith R1000-1 Transoceanic, some problems, $45. NOVELTIES: Blabber Mouth
novelty, $25. Sesame Street, less lamppost, $15. Big Bird nesting, $20. Mork
from Ork, $15. Cheeseburger, $15. Ice Cream Cone, $55. French Telephone, $25.
Jon Hall, 39 Spring Oaks Lane, Ruckersville, VA 22968. (# removed) late best.
Fax (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: New guide features over 70 toy crystal radios
beautifully photographed in full color. Rockets, tiny table models, pocket models,
and novelties from 1929 to 1966. With model numbers, notes, and prices. $19.95
includes postage. Eric Wrobbel, 20802 Exhibit Court, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.
(# removed).
WANTED: GMK Boy's Radio pictured in Bunis 2 pg 109, must be in vg condition
and work , must be green, need not be the GMK just resemble it. Toshiba 7TP-352M
and 7TP-352S, Bunis 1 pg 218, must be in vg condition and work. Marty Bunis,
32 West Main St., Bradford, NH 03221. Phone (# removed). Fax (# removed).
E-mail: (email removed)
WANTED/BUYING/SELLIG/TRADING: Small 3 inch, 2 inch, 1 inch mini reel
recorders/mics, toy mics, broadcast mics Norelco/Continental 101 w/papers $20.
Tiny #2681 Lloyds $20, Pretty! Phonotrix w/Rocketeer mic/case $35. Jon Golden,
16 Roundwood Road, Newton, MA 02164. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
SERVICES: Keep this ad handy for future use! I can repair your favorite
AM transistor radio to play like it did when it was new. Twenty six years experience
in radio repair. Minimum $20, maximum $35 plus shipping. If unable to be repaired,
radios will be sent back prepaid. Randy Hartge, 6612 North 90th Street, Omaha,
NE 68122. (# removed). E-mail: (email removed)
FOR SALE: Mickey and Minnie Music City radio, MIB, $35. Windsor Juke
Box, AM/FM, disco light JB-380, MIB, $45. Stewart pink toilet paper dispenser,
nice, $30. Santa Bear red lunch box radio, $35. Cat plush radio, 10 inch with
6 inch tail, nice, $35. Blabber Mouse on block of cheese, AM, MIB, $35. Stutz
Bearcat, plate 4, Japan, has windshield and battery cover missing, nice otherwise,
$30. Edison Mabry, 715 W. Longview Ave., Mansfield, OH 44906. (# removed).
July 11-13, Lansing, MI. Michigan Antique Radio Club Extravaganza. For
more information e-mail (email removed)
August 6-9, Elgin, IL. Antique Radio Club of Illinois Radiofest
'97. For more information contact Jeff Aulik, 1708 Parkview Avenue, Rockford,
IL 61107. (# removed) evenings.
August 9, Amherst, NY. NFWA/AWA annual radio meet. For more information
contact Larry Babcock (# removed).