  • Title:Perpetual Trouble-Shooters Manual (Often simply referred to as "Rider's")

  • Author: John F. Rider

  • Comments: Bible for pre-war tube set schematics. 23 volumes in the radio series. These are large, heavy books (9 x 12 x 3-5 inches). There is also a TV series.

  • Availability: Out of Print. Volumes after 18 are very difficult to locate. Many clubs maintain a set of Riders in their libraries. Often, volumes may be found at swap meets and in Antique Radio Classified.

    These volumes are often over 1500 pages each, and contain detailed schematics and alignment instructions. Chassis/Tube layout diagrams were provided, but it was rare to see any photographs like those in Sams. Original volume pricing was $7.50 each, and was $10 each after volume 6. It was common for service people to mark a chassis using a grease pencil "R14" indicating Rider's vol 14 for the next person who worked on the set. There is a television series also, but theose are not as common. Invariably, when people refer to Rider's, this is the series they mean.

    I have listed the copyright dates on volumes 2-15 in hopes that it will help you date a set.


    Copyright © 1996-2001 George S. Kaczowka, All Rights Reserved
    Address e-mail to:gsk@oldradios.com